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Alpha Plus Leadership Team


Bill2024William Liedtke began leading the Alpha Plus team in January 2024 and was previously Vice President in QSP Capital LLC and affiliated restaurant concepts, including Bricktown Brewery Restaurants, Jimmy’s Egg, and S&B’s Burger Joint.

Prior to his work with QSP, Mr. Liedtke had a distinguished career in the energy industry including serving as President of a Canadian company with global oil-and-gas enterprises and as an Independent General Partner in Merrill Lynch’s Oklahoma Venture Partners. He also served as Special Assistant on Energy, Indian Affairs and Drug Policy to Governor Henry Bellmon, Oklahoma’s first education governor. A member of the State Bar of Texas, Mr. Liedtke has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Amherst College and a Juris Doctor from the University of Texas School of Law.

Bennie Newton, Executive Vice President / Sales Manager

Growing up in western Oklahoma where education has been a family tradition, Bennie Newton graduated from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford; he also earned his master’s degree in School Administration from SWOSU. Mr. Newton’s career includes teaching, coaching, and school administration, serving 12 years as principal and 21 years as superintendent. He led the use of Alpha Plus tools in his district and says it was what drove Central High Elementary district to the prestigious National Blue Ribbon School award! In June 2020, Mr. Newton retired and became Alpha Plus Sales Manager then, in January 2024, he was named Executive Vice President.


Holly Dudley, Vice President, Curriculum & Assessments


Holly Dudley is originally from Georgia and moved with her family to Oklahoma in 2016. With her bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of West Georgia, Ms. Dudley worked as an elementary school teacher in Grades 1-4 for ten years. She was drawn to education because of her desire to improve the lives of children through quality education. Ms. Dudley joined Alpha Plus in 2022 and brought her passion for teaching to her role as a professional development facilitator for two years. She now leads the curriculum team of educators at Alpha Plus with a new mission to elevate instruction and student success with improved content aligned to the OAS.


Susanne Dougherty, Vice President, Professional Development


A National Board-Certified Teacher, Susanne Dougherty taught 3rd through 5th grade students for 18 years and was an elementary school administrator for eight years. She has a business degree from the University of Oklahoma and earned two master’s degrees from the University of Central Oklahoma, one in elementary education and the second in elementary administration. Ms. Dougherty retired after 26 years as an Edmond Public School teacher and principal and joined Alpha Plus as a facilitator in 2022. In January 2024, she began leading the Alpha Plus Professional Development team of certified Oklahoma educators serving schools statewide.