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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

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Alpha Plus Professional Development for Oklahoma Educators


We appreciate Oklahoma educators from Barnsdall Middle School who joined the Alpha Plus team in an Instructional Leader Professional Development opportunity at our offices in Oklahoma City in February. Pictured from left to right are Seth Juby, Principal Rene Burns, Caleb Hawes, and Alpha Plus Resident Principal, Jim Childers.

Our Professional Development workshops for Oklahoma administrators and teacher leaders include:

  • “100 Days to Mastery” calendar for planning instruction and interim assessments
  • OAS Pacing Calendars (curriculum maps) for first through eighth grades
  • Data Team Meeting agenda/worksheet for hosting “PLCs with a purpose”
  • Teacher-Leader Effectiveness (TLE) Evaluation-model Lesson Plan template
  • Remediation Accountability Report form for Response to Intervention (RtI) activities
  • Evaluation of OSTP and Oklahoma School Report Card data to help plan and coordinate school improvement
  • Priority technical assistance for the Alpha Plus Online platform
  • On-site Alpha Plus Facilitator who will train teachers how to implement our Model of School Improvement

Rave Reviews: You can read what some of our partner educators about Alpha Plus' Model of School Improvement at

If you would like more information on how Alpha Plus can help your educators identify students' learning gaps and achieve Success with OAS, please do not hesitate to call us at 405-842-8408.

Congratulations to Tipton Public Schools!

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