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Alpha Plus textbook authors featured on KSWO-TV, Lawton

Two Lawton teachers author textbooks tailored for Oklahoma

LAWTON, OK (KSWO) - Teachers from around Oklahoma have teamed up to author math textbooks that are tailored to the state's standards, and two of the teachers are right here in Lawton.

Donna Cook and Nicole Hall both teach at Eisenhower Middle School. With the help of eight other teachers, they are tailoring the math curriculum for grades Pre-k through eighth, to fit the state's academic standards, and Oklahoma is the first state to do this. Textbooks used now are written to the national academic standards, and teachers are forced to search through the books to find the material that covers our state's standards, but these teachers say once they're done that will become a thing of the past. ...

... The project is being funded by Alpha Plus, which is a company that helps to improve schools performance under the state's academic standards.

Read the rest or watch video on KSWO-TV Lawton's website.

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