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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

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Alpha Plus Panel Discussion at 2022 School Leadership Conference


Administrators from around the state attended the Oklahoma Association of Elementary School Principals Leadership Conference in November in Oklahoma City.  At the conference, Alpha Plus held a panel discussion about how to improve student success.

The panel featured four experienced and distinguished school leaders who know how to use Alpha Plus tools aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards to get results. During this discussion, they answered questions from administrators. Pictured above is a snap shot taken at the session. Stay tuned for informative video on key topics!

Pictured from left to right:

  • Alpha Plus CEO, Jan Barrick
  • Mr. Brent Haken, Superintendent, Morrison Public Schools
  • Mr. Larry Johnston, Principal, Roff Elementary and Middle Schools
  • Mr. Dax Trent, Superintendent, Flower Mound Public Schools
  • Ms. Darlene Hayhurst, Principal, Dibble Middle School



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