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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

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Q and A of the Day


Our educator team answers questions from teachers in 65 schools statewide who are using the Alpha Plus Model to improve student performance. If you have questions, please use this form. – Thanks!

From online ticket submitted 11/26/18

Q:  Can the summative benchmark assessment be taken over two days, if needed? – Grade 3 Teacher

A:  Absolutely!  We encourage that since it is how students will take state tests. Per Oklahoma's item specs: Grade 3-8 tests are "meant to be administered in two sessions within one day with a break given between sessions or on consecutive days."

Moreover, your third-graders should take summative assessments on paper as they will state test. At all other grade levels, state tests are administered online (paper-pencil option as an IEP accommodation).

Get the most accurate data from this benchmark of mastery by OAS objective by having a class review of content you've taught before students sit for the assessment. You will get even better results if you give a grade on procedures at midyear and on content in the spring. - Alpha Plus Team


Oklahoma's Teacher of the Year
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