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Finding a Homework Routine That Works


Back to School: Finding a homework routine that works

In most districts, the school year is underway. Often, the first few days of a new school year are spent establishing class rules and generally setting the table for a successful classroom experience.

Perhaps you’ve already met your child’s teachers, and you’ve reviewed student handbooks and class outlines with your child.

Maybe you even worked ahead this summer, printing off Oklahoma Academic Standards for your child’s grade level and making a plan to stretch your child’s learning potential this year.

But if you didn’t quite make that happen this summer – fear not.

Here are some easy tips to help your family ease into the school year:

  1. Establish a homework routine. Study time should be just as expected as teeth brushing and bed making. Kids need a quiet, clutter-free space for completing classwork. Turn off the TV, and set electronics aside during your designated study time.
  2. Schedule, schedule, schedule (and let your child help!). The new school year always brings new activities in addition to academics. A family’s schedule can seem daunting, but with prior planning, homework can – and should   - still happen every day. Build a family calendar, including sports practices, music lessons and other activities. Then, add study time.  Including your child in this process will help him or her learn to plan and prioritize – skills that will carry them  into adulthood.
  3. Do homework, even if there’s no assigned homework. We could debate the value – or lack thereof – of  homework in general, but let’s not go there. Instead, help your child make learning a priority by setting aside time to learn each and every day. If there’s no  assigned homework from school, help your child use  their designated time for reading, writing or math practice. There are so many great programs and apps available for parents both on- and offline. Choose one, and when there’s no formal homework on the menu, use it.
  4. Let the student become the teacher. Students who have truly mastered a skill can demonstrate mastery by teaching that skill. By allowing a child to  “teach” what they’ve learned, you’ll help your child solidify his or her skills and build confidence in the process. This one’s a win-win!
  5. Ask for help. Establish a relationship with your child’s teachers, and check in early and often. They are your first line of  assistance for  your child’s education. If  your child  needs  additional  help, they’ll know. Ask. Then listen.

Finally, I want to remind you that Oklahoma Academic Standards for all grade levels  can be found on the State Department of Education website. Visit to find the standards that apply to your child, and set a plan to review each standard between now and April, when tests will be given on those standards. Statistically, 80 percent of all children can pass a standardized test if they are taught based on the tested standards.

Consistent, standards-based study is the best way to insure your child is ready for test day.

If your child’s school has Alpha Plus, those standards are being utilized in class; as a parent, you can reinforce that good work at home.

And that, my friends is the way to an A!

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