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Oklahoma Teacher of the Year finalists announced


From The Oklahoman website:

As one educator steps into her role as Oklahoma Teacher of the Year, 12 others have been named as finalists for the 2020 award.

2019 state Teacher of the Year Becky Oglesby announced the finalists Tuesday before a packed auditorium at Southmoore High School. Educators from across the state attended workshops and heard an address from state schools Superintendent Joy Hofmeister at EngageOK on the Road during the multi-day conference's final stop in Moore.

The 2020 Teacher of the Year will be named on Sept. 17 at State Fair Park in Oklahoma City.

The finalists for Oklahoma Teacher of the Year. Top row from left: Bowerman, Carlisle, Dietzel and Guthridge. Middle row from left: Hefner, Hoggatt, Lightfoot and Nelson. Bottom row from left: Rahn, Rhoden, Stauder and Thompson. [Photo provided below text]

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