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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

Caney: Success with OAS Awards


HEEEEEY CANEY! We were pleased to present Success with OAS Awards to Mr. Brown, Ms. Carroll, Ms. Bennett and Ms. Bailey. These four educators were able to plan and cover all Oklahoma Academic Standards - even though the district is on a four-day school week schedule because they focused on the goal and made it so!

Ms. Carroll also earned recognition for being a Top Model Educator, and we also have to thank the Superintendent, Ms. Delay for helping us organize weekly staff meetings so we could all stay ahead of the curve. We're so proud of our A+ Schools, including our friends in Caney!


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Hollis Awards


Our own Sandra Valentine was in Hollis this week to present OAS Success Awards. Seen here are Mr. Hanks, Mr. Flesher, Ms. Webb, Ms. Strawn, Ms. Reagan, Ms. Hanks and Ms. Bogle. Congrats to the A+ team in Hollis!

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Bishop Public Schools Awards


We presented Alpha Plus Awards at one of our Blue Ribbon Schools last week. Congrats to the wonderful team at Bishop Public Schools! We're proud to partner with you to help your students achieve OAS Success!


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Little Axe School Success with OAS


Success with OAS Awards were presented this week to teachers in Little Axe. We're so proud of this exceptional school and its wonderful teachers!

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Darlington 3rd Grade Team


We just love the 3rd grade team at Darlington! Ms. Maples, Ms. Davis and Ms. Pierson’s students had a 💯 percent pass rate on this year’s state reading test. We’re proud to partner with Darlington to achieve OAS Success!

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