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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.
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CCOSA Summer Conference

We had our annual pre-CCOSA Summer Conference meeting tonight w/members of our Advisory Bd - including school leaders at 2 Nat'l Blue Ribbon Schools - to evaluate 2018-19 & plan for 2019-20. Attached is a list.

Curious why schools use our tools for continuous improvement? Ask Supt. Rick & Princ. Dana Beene of Achille (HS = five consecutive A grades) & other school leaders on our panel tomorrow, 6/5, 1:30 pm, Crimson Rm., Embassy Suites, Norman. Hope to see you there! - WSP


Oklahoma 3rd-Grade Test Scores 2022: Roff Elementa...