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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials
We are SO PROUD that we couldn’t wait until we finish analyzing all the 2022 state-test data to say CONGRATULATIONS to Roff Elementary School! As far as we know, Oklahoma Watch is the only news source that offers a searchable database of last spring’s Oklahoma School Testing Program by school. They are in separate tables by grade level.
When sorted by percentage of students proficient on Oklahoma’s English test at Grade 3, the #1 school is Roff with 82 percent of third-graders proficient in ELA! Roff third-grade last year had almost the same results in MATH – ranking 4th statewide. Wow!
Roff has been an Alpha Plus Partner School for both reading and math curriculum and assessments since 2019. Keep up the great work, Roff Tigers! You are on your way to an A.
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We Use Data to Empower Schools for Academic Success!
Teachers and administrators can quickly and easily identify students who need more help learning the Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Alpha Plus pinpoints the SPECIFIC OAS objectives or "gaps" students have from previous years, then helps school teams address each objective throughout the year.
That is why Alpha Plus schools have OUTPERFORMED the state average every year on the State Test Proficiency Scores.
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