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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

Achille Earns an "A" on State Report Card

ALPHA Achille 2019

Bryan County School Gets Top Marks Five Times in a Row

ACHILLE, OKLA., April 17, 2019 – Achille students are making the grade.

When the State Department of Education released the new Oklahoma School Report Cards recently, Achille High School was one of just 23 high schools statewide to score an A on the state’s measure of academic performance for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years.

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Teacher Appreciation Week


It's Teacher Appreciation Week!

Teachers make a difference every day, and we want to say: "THANKS"!

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ELA Tag Team for Hollis Middle School

ELA Hollis

Ya’ll, I gotta brag on these two RockStar Teachers here.

Traveling this great state, I have met hundreds of passionate teachers. But let me introduce you to Karla Kirby Webb and Bill Flesher. They are a solid ELA tag team for Hollis Middle School. If you don’t know where Hollis is, picture me waking up at 3am getting excited to see my favorite pair of Educators at 8 in the morning. It’s a long drive, but oh so worth it.

Mrs. Webb and Mr. Flesher are so engaged with their students. They have true grit and compassion. Their roles as teenage mind molders is not easy, but these two do it with so much pride and exuberance that I just wish I could bless every middle school with a Webb and Flesher clone pair.

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Edison Elementary


Alpha Plus Educational Systems Teacher Appreciation Week

Shout out to our friends at Edison Elementary! Want to recognize the teachers at your school? Post a pic and tag a teacher in the comments!


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Scholarships for Science Museum Oklahoma Field Trips


Students in numerous Oklahoma counties and public school districts have the opportunity to visit Science Museum Oklahoma for free as part of a school field trip through September.

Chaparral Energy, L.LC and the Cresap Family Foundation have provided the grants for this opportunity.

Learn more on the NewsOK Website >> Click here.

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