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Summer Reading Programs Can Ease Fears


Summer Reading Programs Can Ease Third Grade Assessment Fears

Summer is upon us, and schools across Oklahoma are celebrating the year’s final send offs.

We all know about the summer slide – the statistical truth that kids tends to forget some of what they learned during the school year during their annual break.

While kids undoubtedly look forward to sunny summer afternoons filled with diving boards and snow cones, the empty hours can leave parents at a loss on how to keep their children’s minds active during the long and lazy days of summer.

Preventing the summer slide is especially important for parents of incoming third graders, who will all-too-soon be gearing up for the third grade reading assessment.

Smart parents – and their kids – will utilize the long summer afternoons to develop and grow reading habits that will serve kids for life.

Here are a few summer reading programs to keep your third grader on a sure path to OAS success:

Metropolitan Library System

For more than 80 years, children have enjoyed the Metropolitan Library System’s Summer Reading Program.

Participation in the program is easy: parents can help kids create an account online and then register for the program. Once your child is registered, they’ll need to keep track of the time they spend reading in order to earn points. Points can be traded for prizes, which include library fine waivers, free books and gift giveaways.

Information, including the sign up form, can be found here.

Oklahoma Department of Libraries

If you’re not in the OKC metro, have no fear – summer reading is available at libraries across the state through the Oklahoma Department of Libraries.

Many local libraries host special story times, arts and crafts sessions or sponsor reading contests for students.

The effort is coordinated statewide by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, with support from sponsors including Sonic—America’s Drive-InThe OklahomanNewspapers in Education, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

More information can be found by clicking here, or by visiting a library near you.

Finally, it’s important to start a summer reading program with your child right out of the summer starting block.

Kids who have a set routine that includes time set aside for reading will come to enjoy the practice.  When third grade assessment time rolls around – they’ll be good readers, and they’ll test without fear or anxiety.

And that’s the goal – in every season.

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