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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.



The Alpha Plus team was excited to celebrate Kari Kosanke’s return from running in the New York City Marathon on Sunday! Pictured third from left, Kari was one of 51,402 to finish the race. We are so proud of her!

Kari has completed four other marathons: Oklahoma City National Memorial, Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC, the Boston Marathon, and the Tunnel Marathon in North Bend, Washington. For New York City, she went as part of a team from Norman called “Wahoo.” Kari says she was lucky to get the chance for this "amazing experience" as part of the largest marathon in the world in 2023.

Alpha Plus is proud of all our team members (many pictured here) for the excellent service they provide Alpha Plus Partner Schools statewide.

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Alpha Plus Professional Development for Oklahoma Educators


We appreciate Oklahoma educators from Barnsdall Middle School who joined the Alpha Plus team in an Instructional Leader Professional Development opportunity at our offices in Oklahoma City in February. Pictured from left to right are Seth Juby, Principal Rene Burns, Caleb Hawes, and Alpha Plus Resident Principal, Jim Childers.

Our Professional Development workshops for Oklahoma administrators and teacher leaders include:

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Alpha Plus Panel Discussion at 2022 School Leadership Conference


Administrators from around the state attended the Oklahoma Association of Elementary School Principals Leadership Conference in November in Oklahoma City.  At the conference, Alpha Plus held a panel discussion about how to improve student success.

The panel featured four experienced and distinguished school leaders who know how to use Alpha Plus tools aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards to get results. During this discussion, they answered questions from administrators. Pictured above is a snap shot taken at the session. Stay tuned for informative video on key topics!

Pictured from left to right:

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Beat the Odds & Improve Test Scores: Panel Discussion for Oklahoma School Leaders


OKLAHOMA SCHOOL LEADERS are invited to join a panel discussion about schools that are beating the odds and improving school test scores.

• Dax Trent, Superintendent, Flower Mound PS
• Larry Johnston, Principal, Roff ES & MS
• Darlene Hayhurst, Principal, Dibble MS
• Brent Haken, Superintendent, Morrison PS

Moderated by Alpha Plus CEO Jan Barrick with closing remarks from retired superintendent Bennie Newton, let our team answer your questions at the OKLA. ASSOCIATION OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS (OAESP) LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE.

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ALPHA PLUS NEW PARTNER: Bennett Elementary School


We welcome Bennett Elementary School in Broken Bow as a new Alpha Plus partner on their Way to an A!

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We Use Data to Empower Schools for Academic Success!

Teachers and administrators can quickly and easily identify students who need more help learning the Oklahoma Academic Standards.

Alpha Plus pinpoints the SPECIFIC OAS objectives or "gaps" students have from previous years, then helps school teams address each objective throughout the year.

That is why Alpha Plus schools have OUTPERFORMED the state average every year of the A-F Report Cards.