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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

Education is ALWAYS an opportunity


From President Lyndon Johnson:

Education is not a problem. Education is an opportunity.

We at Alpha Plus educational Systems, Inc. believe that education is ALWAYS an opportunity - even if the lessons are difficult and the opportunity isn't always immediately clear.

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2019 Success with OAS Awards


The 2019 Success with OAS Awards recognize students and teachers for their achievements under the Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) in mathematics and reading. Learn more and see a full list of winners here: OAS Awards.


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Teacher Appreciation Week


It's Teacher Appreciation Week!

Teachers make a difference every day, and we want to say: "THANKS"!

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Alpha Plus Brings Better Grades for Students

"Emerson Elementary began using AlphaPlus during the 2015-2016 school year. Our reading and math scores had consistently been in the mid to low 60s on our A-F report with an overall grade of 66 in 2014-2015 and 73 in 2015-2016. After we began using the AlphaPlus  program, we saw tremendous gains in our reading and math scores. We are currently projecting our report card to be an 81 and attribute our gains to using the AlphaPlus program. The pacing calendars developed by AlphaPlus ensure that all objectives are taught and assessed before test time rolls around. The data provided by the formative and summative assessments helped us identify weaknesses and focus on those skills during our remediation time, and ultimately, our test prep time at the end of the year. Data became our friend and it should become yours as well! I highly recommend AlphaPlus for any school looking to increase student performance on the end of year exams." - Greg Davidson, Superintendent, Coalgate

"Alpha Plus develops their own curriculum and practice tests based on state standards, unlike most companies who use only general curriculum." Renee Dove, Principal, Okmulgee Elementary School

"After 30 years of teaching I didn’t think I could find a better way to use my assessment data. Alpha Plus methods have taught me so much this year." –Jeannie Struss, 4th grade teacher, Duncan

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