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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

Teachers Getting Pay Raise


How we all feel at Alpha Plus when we find out our teacher friends are getting a pay raise!

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Education is ALWAYS an opportunity


From President Lyndon Johnson:

Education is not a problem. Education is an opportunity.

We at Alpha Plus educational Systems, Inc. believe that education is ALWAYS an opportunity - even if the lessons are difficult and the opportunity isn't always immediately clear.

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El Reno Tribune's Article About 2 of Our Partner Schools

El Reno Tribune crop

Thanks El Reno Tribune for the great story this week on our partner schools in Canadian County.

Calumet Elementary School received an A and Darlington Elementary received a B in the latest school report card!

We've clipped it from the newspaper and "pasted" it below. You can click on it to view an enlargement.

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Invest in Knowledge

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
-Benjamin Franklin

Help your children invest in knowledge over the summer months.

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Skip the Cram Session: Slow Down and Read in Summer’s Last Days

APSummer Reading Blog Header

The fourth of July has come and gone, and while I personally love our most American of holidays, it also marks the beginning of the end of summer.  It just seems as if summer starts slipping away as the smoke from the fireworks drifts into the wind.

For most families, the beginning of a new academic year is now less than one month away.  It’s time for back-to-school shopping, schedule juggling and activity scheduling. Prep work for the school year can make a final summer hurrah feel like an insurmountable task. 

Can we go visit a theme park one more time? Can we take a short weekend trip? Is there a free weekend left for a sleepover, or a campout or a visit to grandma’s?Making summer memories is fun, but it requires time and money, after all. 

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