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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

Bishop Scores High in OPI Scores State-Wide


Let's give a BIG Oklahoma Educational Cheer for Bishop!

We're so proud to be your partner!

Here's how they ranked in Math and ELA OPI scores -- STATE WIDE!

  • #2 3rd Grade Math OPI Score Ranked
  • #6 3rd Grade ELA OPI Score Ranked in Oklahoma State
  • #13 4th Grade ELA OPI Score Ranked in Oklahoma State
  • #13 5th Grade ELA OPI Score Ranked and Tied in Oklahoma State
  • #15 5th Grade Math OPI Score Ranked and Tied in Oklahoma State
  • #16 6th Grade Math OPI Score Ranked and Tied in Oklahoma State

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EngageOK Administrators Conference

Alpha Plus Team

Shout out to the leaders at the EngageOK Administrators Conference this morning! We’re on your team! We'll be there -- come see our booth.

Our plaque reads:

The best teams are made up of a bunch of nobodies who love everybody and serve anybody and don't care about becoming a somebody.

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Team Work Brings Success!


Alpha Plus Educational Systems believes in and works with educators to bring student and academic success to Oklahoma educators and students.

They believe that Team Work makes the dream work!

Quoted below by Helen Keller:

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Hamilton Wins 2019 Central Oklahoma Spelling Bee


Amazing things are happening in Whitebead. We are so proud to be a partner with this mighty school!

March 18, 2019 - Continuing a winning family tradition, Rachel Hamilton from Whitebead Elementary Shool in Pauls Valley won the 2019 Central Oklahoma Spelling Bee.

You can read the entire article at Click Here.

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Teacher Appreciation Week


It's Teacher Appreciation Week!

Teachers make a difference every day, and we want to say: "THANKS"!

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