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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

40 Old-Fashioned Skills


From our friend Brenda Quinn - here's 40 old-fashioned skills that kids need to know today.

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Well Done! Praise to One of Our Partner Schools: Hollis Elementary


Our facilitator, Sandra Valentine experienced a wonderful day at Hollis Elementary with Principal, Amy Estes, and staff.

The Hollis school board was so proud of their achievement in going up a letter grade on the report card, they awarded them a proclamation!

Well done Hollis! #APlusSchool #WayToAnA.

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Alpha Plus Rave Review


From Jeff Kelly, Agra Public Schools Superintendent:

"I have seen great results from the Alpha Plus System. It is written for Oklahoma schools, by Oklahoma educators, using only Oklahoma standards. This gives our teachers confidence that what they are teaching is actually going to affect the test scores of their students."

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Congratulations to Flower Mound


Flower Mound's 3rd Grade Reading OPI Score: They Ranked #10 in the State!

Let's give a big Oklahoma cheer for Flower Mound Elementary!

We're so proud to be your partner!

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Another Congratulations to Flower Mound


More Congratulations to one of our Alpha Plus Schools: Flower Mound.

Flower Mound's 3rd Grade Math OPI Score Ranked #11 in the State!


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