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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

Senator Lankford At Mangum


Senator Lankford was at Mangum last week speaking with teachers. When asked about testing standards, teachers responded that Alpha Plus is the only thing that works!

Alpha Plus: Written by Oklahoma teachers, for Oklahoma teachers, to Oklahoma Standards

From Senator James Lankford:

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Alpha Plus Rave Review


From Jeff Kelly, Agra Public Schools Superintendent:

"I have seen great results from the Alpha Plus System. It is written for Oklahoma schools, by Oklahoma educators, using only Oklahoma standards. This gives our teachers confidence that what they are teaching is actually going to affect the test scores of their students."

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Featured Facilitator: Sandra Valentine

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It's Facilitator Friday! Meet Sandra Valentine.

From Sandra (pictured right):

As a previous Oklahoma educator, I love meeting and building relationships with current Oklahoma educators."

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Why Achille Public Schools Partner with Alpha Plus


Why Alpha Plus? Achille Public School Superintendent, Rick Beene explains why:

"We partnered with Alpha Plus nine years ago when our test scores were very low.

We now have good grades and our Achille High School has had all A Grades since 2013.

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The Best Help; The Art of Teaching


Here are some Oklahoma leaders discussing their success using the Alpha Plus Success with OAS material and tools.

Mike Watkins, Principal, Jones Middle School, Jones:
"The key to this transition lies in the art of teaching. Using Success with OAS, we can dissect the standards with Alpha Plus guidance as to how each objective ought to be taught. Our teachers then adjust that to what works for their students. We are not interested in materials not alighed to the OAS. Nor do we want teachers spending time sifting through textbooks written for other states trying to find what works. Alpha Plus is already there."

Brenda Quinn, Prinicpal, Sweetwater Public Schools: Using Success with OAS, we have the standards at our fingertips and examples of problems that are aligned to each objective. It is the best help we could possibly have."

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