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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

Alpha Plus is Research Based.


Alpha Plus is Research Based.

Our formative and summative assessments are helping teachers take back their classrooms.

Reach out if we can help your school today!


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Free Help for Parents and Kids: Specific, Grade Appropriate Objectives


Khan Academy provides free help for parents and kids who want to study specific, grade appropriate objectives. Simply set up an account for your child, and you'll be able to track lessons and progress. Thirty minutes of work each day during the summer break can make all the difference for your child. It's not too late. Start today!

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OAS for ELA/Math

Oklahoma Test Scores

Oklahoma Academic Standards for English Language Arts/Math:

2019 state test scores allow comparisons of grade-level performance by district.

The most gratifying part of our work with Oklahoma schools is helping them achieve academic success in their classrooms. Like most things these days, academic success can be determined by available data, should you choose to utilize the data that exists.

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Critical Look at State School Report Cards Requires Recognition of Challenges – and Ways to Overcome Them

Alpha Plus Helps Report Card Scors

Since 2019 Oklahoma School Report Cards were issued a few short weeks ago, we’ve heard from a wide range of leaders cautioning their use as an accurate tool for measuring student success.

Those criticizing the report cards rightly point out that the needs of a school’s student population are impacted by factors that can’t be controlled by teachers and school administration.

Things like poverty, a high percentage of English Language Learners (ELL) and chronic absenteeism do indeed impact student success. What some miss though, is that the State School Report Cards already account for these when the grades are figured.

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