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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

Oklahoma board of Education Votes to Change Testing Window


In an effort to provide more instruction time for state tests and keep students more engaged after taking them, the new-look state Board of Education on Thursday voted unanimously to open the annual testing window on or after April 20 and keep it open for 20 school days.

Currently, the window for testing students in grades three through eight opens on the first instructional day in April and closes at the end of the first week in May.

"We want our schools to be able to test as close as possible to the end of the school year," state schools Superintendent Joy Hofmeister told the board Thursday. "We want every day to count for students and this will facilitate that."

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Alpha Plus Online Formative Data

LeAnn Alpha Plus Online

LeAnn discusses with her educators how to access and use Alpha Plus Online software to determine formative data online (on the big screen) and how to download Standard Based Report Cards for each student (on laptop screen).

To learn more, click here:

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Department of Education ‘removing barriers’ that would prevent schools from closing


State Supt. Joy Hofmeister: “We are removing barriers that would prevent school districts from making decisions that would be in the best interest of their students and their well being.

"Closing school can have an impact on attendance requirements, impact school accountability or other things that need to fall to the wayside when considering student health and safety.”

Read our latest FAQs regarding coronavirus/COVID-19:

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We Salute You!

education passport

To all the educators who are committed to paving the way for Oklahoma students!

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today"

Malcom X

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Alpha Plus 3rd Grade Reading Book


We are so excited to see Cherokee Elementary School using our 3rd grade Reading Book!

Two of our partner teachers (photo, right) display our Success with OAS Reading 3 book.

Cherokee Elementary School is one of our Alpha Plus Elementary Systems Partner Schools.

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