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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

OSTP Assessment and Data Literacy Guide


Here's the link for the OSTP English Language Arts Data and Interpretation Guidebook: Click here

But, wait, there's more! ... Here's the official Performance Level "cut scores" : Click here


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Help students prove they learned what you taught!

As teachers using the Alpha Plus Model prepare to administer Summative B for their midyear benchmark, we want to remind all that this is a good opportunity to use our simulated state test to teach expected test-taking procedures as well as strategies for determining the best answer to any assessment question.

Download a PDF of our Test-Taking Procedures and Strategies packet that includes student worksheets for reading/ELA and math.  Call Alpha Plus at (405) 842-8408, if you have questions about how to help your students prove they learned what you taught them!

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