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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

40 Old-Fashioned Skills


From our friend Brenda Quinn - here's 40 old-fashioned skills that kids need to know today.

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Keota HS Data Wall


Pictured from December: Alpha Plus CEO Jan Barrick checking out Data Walls with Keota HS Principal Richard Reed.

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Student Success


Our kids and their identities are shaped by our words. Here are just a few. What other words do kid

s need to hear?

Seven things every child needs to hear:

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Summer Reading Programs Can Ease Fears


Summer Reading Programs Can Ease Third Grade Assessment Fears

Summer is upon us, and schools across Oklahoma are celebrating the year’s final send offs.

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Student Success: Goals

Goals for Student Success


Student success, not just soccer, depends on goals

Soccer has been in the news lately, as the U.S. Women’s team won the World Cup. All the soccer talk has us thinking about goals, and the role they play in success on the field and in the classroom.

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