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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

Summer Reading Programs Can Ease Fears


Summer Reading Programs Can Ease Third Grade Assessment Fears

Summer is upon us, and schools across Oklahoma are celebrating the year’s final send offs.

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Alpha Plus Data


To: All Teachers
From: Brian Tupper, Principal
Subject: Alpha Plus Blueprint, Data
Date: January 29, 2016

"Did I teach the right objectives, and did students learn them?" These two questions should be at the forefront of every teacher's mind, and the answer to both can be provided by Alpha Plus.

Alpha Plus is much more than just another test. it is a foolproof blueprint for any teacher who wants to successfully teach Oklahoma Academic Standards to their students.

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OAS for ELA/Math

Oklahoma Test Scores

Oklahoma Academic Standards for English Language Arts/Math:

2019 state test scores allow comparisons of grade-level performance by district.

The most gratifying part of our work with Oklahoma schools is helping them achieve academic success in their classrooms. Like most things these days, academic success can be determined by available data, should you choose to utilize the data that exists.

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