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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials
Last week, parents and teachers across our state received initial test scores from the Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP). OSTP scores are the end result of months of class work designed to improve student skills in the areas of Math, Reading and Science.
These tests are meant to serve as a guide for schools and parents whose ultimate goal is to support career and college readiness. The results can provide a roadmap for student success.
Here are three things parents should consider when reviewing their child’s OSTP score:
Finally, it’s important to remember that the OSTP scores represent a student knowledge base for a specific window of time – the time the test was given. The most important thing these tests measure is growth.
More information about the OSTP is available on the State Department of Education’s website, where you can find detailed academic standards and an explanation of the scores.
As we gear up for another school year, we’re already talking about our public school partners about how we can help improve student success. We are proud to work with hundreds of Oklahoma teachers toward that goal. We’re grateful to parents who work during the summer months to help kids retain what they have learned and continue on a path to success.
We Use Data to Empower Schools for Academic Success!
Teachers and administrators can quickly and easily identify students who need more help learning the Oklahoma Academic Standards.
Alpha Plus pinpoints the SPECIFIC OAS objectives or "gaps" students have from previous years, then helps school teams address each objective throughout the year.
That is why Alpha Plus schools have OUTPERFORMED the state average every year on the State Test Proficiency Scores.
Alpha Plus Educational Systems
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