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 Alpha Plus Success with OAS Books & Materials

Overview of Books  Alpha Plus ELA Sample  | Alpha Plus Math Sample

Introducing the only curriculum aligned with the Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) - Success with OAS: English Language Arts

Our Success with OAS ELA series is available for Grades 2-8. Below, we've linked some sample packets.

ELA3 8samplepkt fullNEW!  Sample packet for Success with OAS English Language Arts for Grade 2 with student books for Phonics & Reading: Click here


English Language Arts sample packet for Grades 3-8: Click here 

As soon as new ELA standards were adopted by the state of Oklahoma, the Alpha Plus educator team went to work realigning materials to the 2021 OAS.

Each book supports instruction in the OAS objectives for ELA at each grade level.

All books are structured using research-based elements of effective instruction:

    • Real-World Connections

    • ELA3 8samplepkt fullModeling/Guided Practice

    • Vocabulary

    • Independent Practice

    • Continuous Practice

    • Extensions Activities: Expanded with more writing opportunities

    • Teacher Guide: Instructional how-to for each objective includes NEW Writing Supplements section, OAS Glossary and Comprehensive (end-of-year) assessment.

3rd through 8th grade sample ELA: ELA Sample Book 25-26


Questions? Call (405) 842-8408

Clever Secure Sync and OneRoster

Alpha Plus Online will integrate with OneRoster for all schools beginning next school year, making student account management easier. Schools will also choose to use Clever SecureSync for a small additional fee. These tools help eliminate manual data entry, streamline processes, and save time. With Clever SecureSync and OneRoster, Alpha Plus Online makes it easier than ever to manage student accounts, reducing administrative tasks and ensuring a smooth start to the school year. Click here to learn more.