While a majority of schools served by Alpha Plus start out as low-performing, schools that use Alpha Plus tools with fidelity outperformed Oklahoma’s average proficiency rates on state tests at Grades 3-8 every year.The Alpha Plus Educational Systems model of school improvement consistently helps students and educators improve educational proficiency.
Below is a table summarizing a result comparison between Alpha Plus and the State OPI results for 2023-2024.
Below that table is a graphic rendering of the results.
For the school year 2023 - 2024, both ELA and Math, the Alpha Plus schools Increased their mean OPI, along with their Basic, Proficiency, and Advanced scores. They reduced their percentage below Basic.
The graph below provides you with a visual representation of the comparison, using the same figures found in the table above. Please click on the graph for an enlargement. In the ELA portion of the graph, Alpha Plus results are indicated in blue. The State OPI results are indicated in red. In the Math portion of the graph, Alpha Plus results are indicated in yellow. The State OPI results are indicated in red.
We can see from these numbers, that Alpha Plus Educational Systems helps students learn their materials and make positive strides forward in their education.
For more information, please contact Bennie Newton, Executive Vice President / Sales Manager, (405) 842-8408.