Alpha Plus uses a web-based platform to support instruction, assessment, and professional development that are solely aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS).
Alpha Plus Online is the digital home of our OAS-aligned summative benchmarks and common formative assessments for Grades 1-8. The new platform also hosts Success with OAS Mathematics (K-8) and ELA (3-8) curriculum including eBooks and fillable PDFs as well as training materials and tools for all educators in the new Resources section.
To ensure efficient operation of the web-based code, please clear device browser history before logging in the first time to eliminate cached webpages causing confusion. Student portal browsers ought to have caches cleared BEFORE each of the three summative assessments is administered (Aug./Sept., Nov./Dec., Feb./March).
[Here is a link to detailed how-to:]
Temporary passwords are emailed from <
The drop-down menu next to username (upper right of browser window) provides access to Change Password, get “Help” from the online manual, or “Contact Support” to report any issues. Please let us know of potential errors found in assessments or textbook content or when assistance from our IT- team is needed. We will respond to platform problems the next business day and content issues as feasible.
Educators are welcome to call (405) 842-8408 for immediate assistance.
Student Login
Students log in at by entering their last name and five-digit login ID number.
If students cannot log in, the number may be typed incorrectly, or the student may not be typing their name as it is spelled in the student list.
You can correct spelling under the Management tab.
If you need help logging on, please contact us at 405-842-8408 or
e-mail us at
Click here to go to Alpha Plus Online!
Since 2016, Alpha Plus Online has provided robust, OAS-aligned reports to educators in real-time in a web-based platform. It requires no software to download and works well in updated Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge browsers.
As of Spring Break 2023, Alpha Plus was serving 117 schools in 99 districts with 21,000 students assessed in Alpha Plus Online, and 1,225 teachers, specialists and administrators accessing the data.