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Alpha Plus Model of School Improvement

Data Team Meeting

Pictured above: Eighth-grade teachers at Waurika Middle School work together in Data Team Meeting in February 2021. They know the Way to An A!

 Alpha Plus Model of School Improvement Basics:


1. TEACH to mastery Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) Teach to Mastery

✓ Aligned Success with OAS series, now with Grades 1-8 in math and Grades 3-8 in ELA, piloted in Alpha Plus Learning LMS in 2020-21; updated to new ELA standards in summer 2021!

✓  OAS Pacing Calendar has curriculum mapped to 100 Days to ensure key objectives are taught before state tests

✓ Real-time Objective Accountability Graph monitors instructional pace and student mastery

Click here for details.

Click here for FREE Professional Development Resources. 


2. ASSESS what was taught to determine mastery

Assess what was taught✓ Summative benchmarks three times per year with OAS-aligned reports pinpoint learning gaps (summer, COVID-19 or other extended time out of school) for each student

✓ Common formative quizzes provide check on mastery after instruction. Formative data populates to:

✓ Objective Accountability Graph with Running Proficiency Rate for each class

✓ Automated OAS Standards-Based Report Cards

Click here for FREE Professional Development Resources. 


 3. REMEDIATE objectives not mastered 

✓ Reports on growth/proficiency by student, class, teacher, school

✓ Compare benchmark data to state test scores for each student 

✓ Use DATA tools aligned to OAS to identify learning gaps and guide student remediation

Click here for FREE Professional Development Resources. 


4. Use DATA to improve instruction year-round (Click on the Math Pacing Calendar image for an enlargement.)

✓ Use mastery data to map curriculum and adjust lesson plans

✓ Benchmarks help determine resources needed and coordinate intervention

         ✓ Formative quizzes provide quick check on OAS mastery and re-check after intervention

Click here for details.

Click here for FREE Professional Development Resources. 

 Bishop Elementray School Data Team Meeting

Pictured above: Fourth-grade teachers at Bishop Elementary School in Data Team Meeting in November 2020. They know the Way to An A!

Alpha Plus provides professional development TRAINING for core educators, specialists and instructional leaders on the Way to an A.

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For a complete description of the Alpha Plus Model of School Improvement, please continue to this page.


We Use Data to Empower Schools for Academic Success!

Teachers and administrators can quickly and easily identify students who need more help learning the Oklahoma Academic Standards.

Alpha Plus pinpoints the SPECIFIC OAS objectives or "gaps" students have from previous years, then helps school teams address each objective throughout the year.

That is why Alpha Plus schools have OUTPERFORMED the state average every year on the State Test Proficiency Scores.


About Alpha Plus

Alpha Plus provides OAS-aligned curriculum, assessments and data-driven professional development facilitated by a team of educators helping schools and students across Oklahoma improve performance in both math and English Language Arts.  The Alpha Plus staff has a total of 271 years of experience as educators and administrators in Oklahoma public schools. Founded in 1990, the team today serves 152 schools in 107 districts with 2,169 teachers and administrators using Alpha Plus Online to monitor the progress of more than 21,000 students. Alpha Plus Partner schools on average have consistently outperformed state averages of math and reading proficiency rates. Success with OAS textbooks and assessments in Math for grades K through 8 and in English Language Arts for grades 2 through 8 are all written “by Oklahoma teachers for Oklahoma teachers” and adhere to the Oklahoma Academic Standards, which are considered among the most rigorous in the nation.