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Alpha Plus Model of School Improvement

Alpha Plus Model training focuses on HOW TO:

  • Use benchmark assessment data to identify OAS learning gaps, whether because of the COVID-19 pandemic, summertime or other extended time out of school. At-risk objectives can be pinpointed by grade level or by class.  SOAr8 gaps
  • Build a Summative Test Log (using Excel download from Alpha Plus Online) that compares previous year’s state-test data to Alpha Plus summative benchmark data (with performance levels aligned to state cut scores).
  • Use common formative quizzes as an instructional tool providing real-time data to  web-based Objective Accountability Graph of formative proficiency for progress monitoring.
  • Monitor each ELA and math class for pace and proficiency to ensure key Oklahoma Academic Standards are taught to mastery.
  • Crosswalk  formative and summative data by student, class and school throughout school year.
  • We can help you project state report card grade from Alpha Plus interim assessment data (January and March) and predict state Report Card grades (or verify state calculations) from preliminary state-tests data (June).

Alpha Plus Online

Simulated Core Curriculum Tests: Summative assessments aligned to state item specifications for Oklahoma state tests benchmarked to content taught.

  • Baseline/Form A SCCT taken in fall or beginning of instruction (A1) at Grades Standard at Risk sample3-8 in ELA and math. First and second grade and science at grades 5 and 8 have one SCCT Test Form (A).
  • Midyear/Form B SCCT taken in winter or mid-point of course (B) for third through eighth grade. Grades 1-2 and Science usually take their A test at midyear and again in Spring to benchmark growth.

  • Final/Form A SCCT taken in spring or about four-weeks prior to state test (A2) to coordinate final remediation on OAS objectives for each student.

Electronic (PDF) copy of SCCTs provided to principal for printing as needed because of insufficient bandwidth for students to take assessments online and for students who need printed-test accommodations).

  • Students take assessments online or the teacher enters written student answers into online system for grading and reports.

  • Student and class test reports (on the Alpha Plus 70% benchmark cut score) available within minutes of administration or within an hour of students submitting answers.

Formative Assessment Tests: Five-question formative assessments on each objective

  • OAGsmNumber of tests range from 21 (e.g. ELA 6) to 40 (Math 6) depending upon state standards/objectives per grade level/content area.

  • Alpha Plus Objective Accountability Graph is automatically updated with Running Proficiency and Student Proficiency rates after formative tests taken.

  • First and second grade aligns to strands in the Oklahoma Academic Standards in vertical alignment to third grade.

  • Students take the tests online or the teacher enters written student answers into online system for grading and reports. PDF copy available so teachers may print as needed for class.


We Use Data to Empower Schools for Academic Success!

Teachers and administrators can quickly and easily identify students who need more help learning the Oklahoma Academic Standards.

Alpha Plus pinpoints the SPECIFIC OAS objectives or "gaps" students have from previous years, then helps school teams address each objective throughout the year.

That is why Alpha Plus schools have OUTPERFORMED the state average every year on the State Test Proficiency Scores.