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Emergency Certification

Alpha Plus offers New and  Emergency Certified Training. Please call us at 405-848-8402 or fill out our Contact Us form for more information.

New Teacher/Emergency Certified Training. We held our first hands-on interactive training workshop for new and emergency certified teachers on January 6, 2025, in cooperation with Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee. Our second program was held February 5, 2025, at the Red River Technology Center in Duncan. The program, focused on classroom management and other topics suggested by superintendents, was conducted by our new Vice President of Academic Achievement, Dr. Cindy Watson, formerly Program Manager for TLE for the OSDE. Based on the success and enthusiastic response to those workshops, we plan to provide additional workshops, each limited to a small group to promote interactivity, over the next year in each of the four quadrants of the state.

This Professional Learning for your school will include:

  • Engagement activities educators can take away and implement within their own classroom
  • Classroom Management skills to create a structured yet flexible welcoming classroom atmosphere that promotes a culture of accountability and cooperation.
  • OK SDE Frameworks that utilize comprehensive curricular resources.
  • OK TLE - Correlated with your TLE to enhance instructional quality and promote continuous professional growth.
  • Trainings both state-wide and on-site to meet the needs of Oklahoma educators.

For more information, contact Dr. Cindy Watson, VP Academic Achievement
405-596-0223  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Below, find our Professional Learning for Your School, 2025-2026 flyer. Click on it to view a printable enlargement.

 PL for Schools 25 26 Flyer