Above: Teachers at Bennington gather for Data Team Meeting (and lunch) in December 2020.
Enhanced Alpha Plus Professional Development
A key feature of Alpha Plus is providing training in the Alpha Plus Data-Driven School Improvement System for Alpha Plus schools. Our professional development sessions and online resources focused on helping teachers use the Alpha Plus curriculum and data-driven Online Platform to optimize student outcomes. We now will also be offering professional development training on using our robust ELA 1 & 2 reading, phonics and phonemic awareness offerings to achieve best results in those important early years.
Alpha Plus Model Professional Development is data-driven and job-embedded
Alpha Plus School Improvement uses interim formative and summative benchmark assessments to evaluate progress of students from back-to-school week until state tests in the spring. Alpha Plus Facilitators utilize state and Alpha Plus assessment data in professional development (PD) on-site and online.
Alpha Plus Simulated Core Curriculum Tests mirror the Oklahoma School Testing Program (OSTP) state tests, and are used to identify students' learning gaps in alignment with the Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS). Only actual data for students in that school is used in training sessions. No time is wasted on reports or materials that are not aligned to OAS.
Professional Development Materials include:
- OAS Pacing Calendars (curriculum maps) for first through eighth grades
- OSTP test blueprints and test-item specifications as available from OSDE for each grade level/content area
- Data Team Meeting agenda/worksheet
- Effectiveness Lesson Plan template
- Response to Intervention (RtI) Remediation Accountability Report form
- Evaluation of OSTP and Oklahoma School Report Card data to help plan and coordinate school improvement
NOTE: All Alpha Plus progress monitoring assessments for Grades 1-8 are aligned to the new standards. See Alpha Plus Model details in Training, Data and Remediation & Learning Gaps.
According to the Oklahoma EDGE:
“Schools with an outside staff development provider typically appear to be more driven and focused on the needs of their students and the overall school improvement process.
[Such a] provider can maintain focus on improving instruction and providing support in prioritizing improvement strategies and resources to meet the needs of the lowest-achieving students.” –
Oklahoma Edge, pg. 93