Pictured above: Eighth-grade teachers at Waurika Middle School work together in Data Team Meeting in February 2021. They know the Way to An A!
Alpha Plus Model of School Improvement Basics:
1. TEACH to mastery Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS)
✓ Aligned Success with OAS series, now with Grades 1-8 in math and Grades 3-8 in ELA, piloted in Alpha Plus Learning LMS in 2020-21; updated to new ELA standards in summer 2021!
✓ OAS Pacing Calendar has curriculum mapped to 100 Days to ensure key objectives are taught before state tests
✓ Real-time Objective Accountability Graph monitors instructional pace and student mastery
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2. ASSESS what was taught to determine mastery
✓ Summative benchmarks three times per year with OAS-aligned reports pinpoint learning gaps (summer, COVID-19 or other extended time out of school) for each student
✓ Common formative quizzes provide check on mastery after instruction. Formative data populates to:
✓ Objective Accountability Graph with Running Proficiency Rate for each class
✓ Automated OAS Standards-Based Report Cards
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3. REMEDIATE objectives not mastered
✓ Reports on growth/proficiency by student, class, teacher, school
✓ Compare benchmark data to state test scores for each student
✓ Use DATA tools aligned to OAS to identify learning gaps and guide student remediation
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4. Use DATA to improve instruction year-round (Click on the Math Pacing Calendar image for an enlargement.)
✓ Use mastery data to map curriculum and adjust lesson plans
✓ Benchmarks help determine resources needed and coordinate intervention
✓ Formative quizzes provide quick check on OAS mastery and re-check after intervention
Click here for FREE Professional Development Resources.
Alpha Plus provides professional development TRAINING for core educators, specialists and instructional leaders on the Way to an A.
For a complete description of the Alpha Plus Model of School Improvement, please continue to this page.