“Schools with an outside staff development provider typically appear to be more driven and focused on the needs of their students and the overall school improvement process. [Such a] provider can maintain focus on improving instruction and providing support in prioritizing improvement strategies and resources to meet the needs of the lowest-achieving students.” – Oklahoma Edge, pg. 93
Professional Development:
ALL Alpha Plus teacher and leader training levels are standards-aligned and job-embedded to personalize instruction and build capacity for continuous improvement:
- Year 1 – Immersion: Facilitator on-site working with teachers and administrators twice monthly; printed PD binders; additional help by phone, text, email, etc.; customized data reports for school and district levels, etc.
- Year 2 – Growth: Facilitator works with teachers on-site once monthly with more training duties falling to site administrators and teacher leaders; includes all other materials and services of Year 1.
- Year 3 – Sustainability: Customized to local school needs, facilitators work on-site and/or provide training online or in centrally located meetings for Instructional Leaders with additional help via web conferencing, email, etc.
NEW Classroom Management PD included each year for emergency certified and other teachers new to the classroom, grade level or content area when identified in local needs assessment. Our philosophy is that teaching is a highly skilled craft that improves when teachers understand:
A. Setting positive expectations for student behavior
- How to help all students succeed
- Increase positive student behavior
- How educators dress for success, use their voices, etc.
B. Classroom management techniques
- The keys to a well-managed classroom
- Time management, seating arrangements, etc.
- Discipline plan – consequences and rewards
- From classroom procedures to behavior patterns
C. Teaching to mastery
- How to improve student proficiency and growth
- Getting students to do assignments
- Teaching students how to pass tests
- Helping students work cooperatively
Professional development contracts include:
- An Alpha Plus Facilitator (Aug. to April),
- PD resource binder and OAS Pacing Calendars (Gr. 1-8 ELA & Math) for each teacher;
- Training in classroom management components and teaching to mastery;
- Monitoring of pace and proficiency;
- Accountability formula training and Predicted Oklahoma School Report Cards at midyear, spring and from preliminary OSTP data (upon request) each summer.