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Alpha Plus Education Systems would like to congratulate Morrison Elementary on becoming a National Blue Ribbon School. Morrison Elementary is one of 356 schools chosen nationwide, one out of four chosen in Oklahoma, the only rural school selected from Oklahoma, and the only four-day school week to win the award.

Morrison has used Alpha Plus for 4 years and Alpha Plus is honored to have helped Morrison earn an A on the state report card within two years, before being nationally recognized this year for its outstanding academic achievement as a National Blue Ribbon School..

Larri Veit, an Alpha Plus facilitator who provides professional development to client schools across Oklahoma, shared her excitement at Morrison’s achievement, “I am proud of my Alma Mater, Morrison Elementary School for winning and being recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School.  I was lucky to graduate from Morrison, raise my two girls there, and teach at Morrison for 19 years. Teachers at Morrison work hard every day. They know what is needed to help children be successful and they strive to help Morrison children reach their highest potential. When I taught at Morrison, a big part of what helped lead to the success of our students was our  Alpha Plus curriculum.  Alpha Plus gave us a curriculum written to the Oklahoma standards, formative tests, summative tests, and immediate data and results. “

Picture – Larry Veit and Nichelle Reed of Alpha Plus with the teachers, students and administrators celebrating Morrison’s new National Blue Ribbon School banner.

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Clever Secure Sync and OneRoster

Alpha Plus Online will integrate with OneRoster for all schools beginning next school year, making student account management easier. Schools will also choose to use Clever SecureSync for a small additional fee. These tools help eliminate manual data entry, streamline processes, and save time. With Clever SecureSync and OneRoster, Alpha Plus Online makes it easier than ever to manage student accounts, reducing administrative tasks and ensuring a smooth start to the school year. Click here to learn more.