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Alpha Plus Blog: Alpha Plus News, Materials, Partners, and Education Materials

Alpha Plus Blog

Our latest press releases, and Oklahoma Education news. Subscribe for our teaching tips and resources for school improvement.

The Best Help; The Art of Teaching


Here are some Oklahoma leaders discussing their success using the Alpha Plus Success with OAS material and tools.

Mike Watkins, Principal, Jones Middle School, Jones:
"The key to this transition lies in the art of teaching. Using Success with OAS, we can dissect the standards with Alpha Plus guidance as to how each objective ought to be taught. Our teachers then adjust that to what works for their students. We are not interested in materials not alighed to the OAS. Nor do we want teachers spending time sifting through textbooks written for other states trying to find what works. Alpha Plus is already there."

Brenda Quinn, Prinicpal, Sweetwater Public Schools: Using Success with OAS, we have the standards at our fingertips and examples of problems that are aligned to each objective. It is the best help we could possibly have."

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ELA Tag Team for Hollis Middle School

ELA Hollis

Ya’ll, I gotta brag on these two RockStar Teachers here.

Traveling this great state, I have met hundreds of passionate teachers. But let me introduce you to Karla Kirby Webb and Bill Flesher. They are a solid ELA tag team for Hollis Middle School. If you don’t know where Hollis is, picture me waking up at 3am getting excited to see my favorite pair of Educators at 8 in the morning. It’s a long drive, but oh so worth it.

Mrs. Webb and Mr. Flesher are so engaged with their students. They have true grit and compassion. Their roles as teenage mind molders is not easy, but these two do it with so much pride and exuberance that I just wish I could bless every middle school with a Webb and Flesher clone pair.

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